Mail - praca pisemna dla klasy VIII
Wiem, że zeszłotygodniowe wywiązywanie się z zadań nie było obligatoryjne, ale może jeszcze ktoś chciałby wywiązać się z zadania, napisania maila. Dziś otrzymałem 2 - można je potraktować jako "podpowiedź" Dziękuję - Piotr i Gracjan.
Hi Marcus!
How are you doing?
I’m writing this e-mail to tell you about something important. At the moment, a renovation is taking place in my house. I am going to repaint my walls, buy new furniture and re-enginer my kitchen, because my old one was unsafe. However, a problem occurred during the renovation. I ran out of red paint and had to buy some more. Thankfully, the shops were still open. I wonder, what would you like to change in your house? Please write about it!
Take care,
Hi Piotr!
Recently we talked about a major renovation in my apartment.
I already know that from now on my room will be in a modern style, which I really like. The furniture we bought very well is adapted to the new style! Unfortunately, there is one disadvantage ... We cannot use our bathroom because it is being now renovated. That's why we are using my grandparents' bathroom. They live literally 50 meters from us, so it's not such a big problem. Actually, I have a question. What would you like to change in your home? Is there something that annoys you? I am waiting for your answer.
All the best,
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